Here at Pancake World we listen to our customers. And due to an increasing demand for bespoke printing & packaging, we have now teamed up with the best printers to offer quality & affordable printed crepe & waffle packaging for cafes, dessert parlours, frozen yogurt cafes etc. Below you will find a couple of purchasing scenarios:
The above designs is by far the most popular the industry has seen in a decade. Here is why: they are wide, versatile, solid, heatproof, almost waterproof (you still need some anti-drip cones for the majority of crepes/waffles you serve in cones ;-). So what are we talking about when when talk about ‘bespoke Packaging design’? Below are some terms’ explanation and an idea of the prices we charge for our services:
‘DIE CUTTING’: from £0.00+vat to £650.00+vat
Die Cutting refers to the action of producing a brand new ‘sample cut’ for a new design or shape. For brand NEW/ORIGINAL DESIGNS, you will need a new ‘die cut’, meaning that the factory would create a sample cut from scratch, exclusively for you. This is a one-off job and comes at a cost of £650+vat (which is very standard in the industry). However, for EXISTING DESIGNS (AS SHOWN ABOVE), you will not need a new Die Cut, and the cost would be £0.00+vat since the factory would use their existing cuts.
‘COLOUR PLATES’: from £185.00+vat
Two graphic techniques are required to prepare images for multiple-colour printing. In the “pre-press” stage, original images are translated into forms that can be used on a printing press, through “colour separation,” and “screening”. These steps make possible the creation of ‘printing’ or ‘colour’ plates that can transfer colour impressions to paper on printing presses based on the principles of lithography. The cost of each colour plate is £185+vat (i.e 2 colours = 2 x £185.00+vat), and those are also one-off charges.
‘DESIGN FEES’: from £25.00+vat flat fee to £40.00+vat/hour
If you only want us to print a simple logo on the item you’ve chosen, we only need a ‘print-ready’ high-res logo from your designers to be sent to us. Our processing charge is a flat £25.00+vat. (Please note that any amends to the artwork deemed necessary will be charged at £50.00+vat/h). If however you require full design services, we can provide you with a full branding service at the cost of £50.00+vat/hour, with a minimum of 8 hours for briefing, brainstorming, conceptualisation and rendering. A budget of about £600.00-£700.00 allowing for some room to manoeuvre is also very realistic and we couldn’t provide this service so cheaply if we didn’t have our own designers in house.
‘PRINT COST’: from £100.00+vat
We charge a flat fee of £100.00+vat /1000 for our branded cones or waffle trays, with a minimum pallet order of 20000 units, packed in 500’s for the cones (40 boxes), and 250’s for the trays (80 boxes of 250).
Below are a few scenarios which may illustrate the above charges better:
New Die Cut = £0.00+vat
Colour Plates = 2 x £185.00+vat = £370.00+vat
Design Fees = £25.00+vat
Print Cost = 20 x £100.00+vat = £2000.00+vat
UK Delivery = £0.00+vat (call us for shipping quotes to Ireland or else)
TOTAL = £2395.00+vat – Total per item delivered: £0.119+vat
REORDERING: As the colour plates have now been produced and stored in the factory, you will only have to pay for the print itself, @ £100+vat/1000, therefore bringing the cost down to £0.10+vat per unit.